In this special year-end podcast episode of State of Our Faith, Rev. George Mason, Rabbi Nancy Kasten, and Mara Richards Bim reflect on themes of light and darkness across their faith traditions.
by Mara Richards Bim With the Winter Solstice on December 21st, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere mark the longest night …
by Rev. Dr. George Mason “Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care?” The brass pop band Chicago …
“What Makes This Land Holy?” That was the title of the Faith Commons tour to Israel/Palestine scheduled to begin on October 9, …
Although tolerance is no doubt a step forward from intolerance, it does not require new neighbors to know anything about one another. Tolerance can create a climate of restraint but not one of understanding. Tolerance alone does little to bridge the chasms of stereotype and fear that may, in fact, dominate the mutual image of the other. … It is far too fragile a foundation for a society that is becoming as religiously complex as ours.
Diana Eck, A New Religious America – How a “Christian Country” Has Become the World’s Most Religiously Diverse Nation (Harper Collins, 2001).