Faith Commons

by Rabbi Nancy Kasten

“What are we going to do?”  

It’s the top-of-mind question for many of us as we struggle through this time of unrelenting uncertainty and anxiety. Change was long overdue in our government, but most of us never imagined that democratically elected officials would act with impunity to impose the interests of the minority over the constitutional rights, civil rights, and human rights of the majority. 

Last month the Faith Commons team attended “Together for Democracy,” a conference hosted by Democracy Forward, the legal non-profit that is litigating many of the cases against unconstitutional executive orders. We were given our marching orders by President and CEO Skye Perryman: “The ‘shock and awe’ approach that the (current) administration is pursuing is aimed at making people feel alone and isolated, and that makes building connections all the more essential …. The only way out of the chaos being created by this administration is through it, together. We will never give up on each other, never give up on ourselves, and never give up on the promise of this country.” 

As you search for ways to feel less alone and more powerful, here are some ideas and suggestions to consider: 

1. Don’t waste time and energy pointing fingers. No one person or party got us here, and no one person or party is going to fix everything or “make everything better.” Nor should our goal be for things to go back to the way they were before, even if that were possible.  

Take immigration, for example. The Trump administration uses dehumanizing language and spurns the rule of law when dealing with immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. At the same time, it has raised awareness of deficient and unjust systems that were tolerated by most Americans for decades. Neither the Clinton, Obama, nor Biden administrations advanced sensible, humane immigration reform, and voters did not force them to make it a priority. Now President Trump is using this failure to advance his own political interests, upending the system of checks and balances that was the hallmark of our country’s democracy.  

The only way to fight this anti-immigrant agenda and restore checks and balances among the branches of government is by showing up and standing up for immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in our cities and in our states. We can pay attention to local ordinances and state laws and support or oppose them with phone calls, letters, and visits to our elected officials. We can accompany people to their immigration court hearings and protect those who have been allowed by law to be here from being arrested and deported. And we can support candidates for office who share our determination to develop a comprehensive approach to immigration reform that makes our country stronger and safer from the inside out.  

This approach can be applied to other issues, like voting rights, health care, and environmental protections.  

2. If you want to have policy impact, find groups who are uniting around issues you care about and join them. The power of opposition against any agenda that is being advanced by a minority lies in numbers.  

The current fight over vouchers in the Texas State legislature is a good example. Just a few short weeks ago, many were convinced that Texan tax dollars were going to be used for school vouchers because vouchers were what Governor Abbott wanted. Last year, anti-voucher Republicans were defeated in primaries by pro-voucher opponents funded by Tim Dunn and other billionaire cronies of the governor. Yet against all odds, Texans are beating back a bill they never wanted for the fourth legislative session in a row. The best interests of Texans are being served by grassroots organizing in school districts, led by faith-based organizations such as Pastors for Texas Children, Texas Impact, and Texas Freedom Network. These organizations are providing tools for Texas taxpayers and voters to make our faith voices heard, with postcards, phone calls, lobbying, town hall meetings, and more.  

Collective organizing and collective action are the only way to reclaim a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.  

3. Free speech is under attack, so use your right to it in ways that matter. Show up in person as much as you can, at rallies, meetings, accompaniments, etc. Develop relationships with your elected officials and their staff members with phone calls and visits. Staff are direct conduits to their bosses and will often give you more time and attention than the officials themselves. When you call or meet with them, ask them what they are hearing from their constituents. Have they heard from others who share your views? If not, can you bring a group with you the next time you visit so they know you are not just speaking for yourself?  

If you cannot get through to a federal or state official’s office in Washington or your state capital, try their local and/or regional offices. After your conversation, share your experience as widely as you can, using whatever amplification is available to you. Just one thoughtful discussion with your child, a friend, or a co-worker has a ripple effect. Sharing your thoughts through email or social media can also be effective, but try to write in the tone you would like to hear from people who disagree with you. And while it is sometimes uncomfortable, accept that the same right that you have to free speech applies to everyone. We cannot protect our own rights without also protecting the same rights for those we disagree with or are even sometimes afraid of.  

A good society is founded on love, justice, and righteousness where individuals show compassion towards others and uphold ethical standards for themselves. Our country is at a crossroads right now. The current administration’s domestic and foreign policy are neither ethical nor compassionate. But we can lay a new foundation for future generations by insisting on justice, love, and righteousness and modeling it in our communities, together.