Interviews with Rabbi Elana Zelony, Dr. Curtis W. Freeman, and Imam Omar Suleiman
On the Good God podcast, we just wrapped a three-part series on redemption and renewal—an idea inspired by the coinciding of Passover, Ramadan, and Holy Week this year.
The concurrence of these three celebrations is rare. It caused us to reflect on the importance of defining what redemption means in all three Abrahamic religions.
While many of the questions our religions seek to answer are the same, they are not identical. We often assume that each religion is offering a different answer to the same question, but that’s not always true.
We have to explore each religion within its own context, to consider its own internal rationale. We must listen and give each the chance to articulate its own theological understanding.
This short podcast series, “Redemption and Renewal,” is an effort to recognize that each religion is not only seeking to benefit its own adherents, but also has a universal vision for the world.

Rabbi Elana Zelony unpacks the historical significance of Passover and its role in forming the Jewish consciousness, how it has become part of the rhythm of Jewish life. More broadly, she explains how the spiritual practice of rituals is a reminder and celebration of her faith’s core values. Listen here!

Dr. Curtis Freeman discusses the significance of how Christians keep time and why the events of Holy Week are integral to the Christian faith. Listen here!

Imam Omar Suleiman describes redemption as a change in the cravings of the soul, and underscores the importance of generosity and charity for Muslims—especially at this time. He also speaks to the experience of Muslims living as a minority in the United States while fasting during Ramadan. Listen here!